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Decontamination Cleaning Stations / Secondary Fluid Containment Berms

These “Decontamination Cleaning Stations” are used for wash down and decontamination of equipment and personnel. In addition to functioning as decontamination cleaning stations, these berms are also used as secondary fluid containment. This product is often used in conjunction with the Canflex Pillow Tank, as well as other Canflex products.

Petroleum products, industrial chemicals, waste water, liquid food products, and a wide variety of other liquids can be safely and efficiently washed down in the Canflex “Decontamination Cleaning Stations.” The unit includes the floor and the air inflatable sides with a high volume hand pump for inflation.

Some of the Decontamination Cleaning Stations features are:

Applications include, but not limited to:

  • Air filled chambers making up the side walls are available in 12″ thru 36″ in diameter
  • Each chamber has two Munson valves for inflation and deflation
  • Each air chamber is equipped with a 1 PSI automatic relief valve to prevent over inflation
  • Corner drain available in sizes 2″ thru 6″
  • Durable fabrics allow vehicles and machinery to be driven in and out of containment berm repeatedly
  • Replaceable liners for easy maintenance and longevity (optional)
  • Handles located around perimeter for easy setup and packing
  • Tie Downs with welded PVC grommets situated around the berm perimeter (optional)
  • Easily placed under valves and fittings, vehicles or machinery
  • Totally reusable and compact
  • Can be easily cleaned, folded and stored for reuse

All sizes are available

Technical Information


Length Width Height Length Width Height
ft ft in ft ft in USG lbs
m m cm m m cm Liters kg
FB-2x2x1 2 2 12 3 3 12 30 12
0.6 0.6 30.5 0.9 0.9 30.5 113.6 5.5
FB-3x2x1 3 2 12 4 3 12 45 12
0.91 0.6 30.5 1.2 0.9 30.5 170.4 5.5
FB-3x3x1 3 3 12 4 4 12 68 16
0.91 0.91 30.5 1.2 1.2 30.5 257.5 7.3
FB-4x4x1 4 4 12 5 5 12 120 21
1.21 1.21 30.5 1.5 1.5 30.5 454.3 9.6
FB-4x5x1 5 4 12 6 5 12 150 23
1.52 1.21 30.5 1.8 1.5 30.5 567.9 10.5
FB-4x6x1 6 4 12 7 5 12 180 26
1.84 1.21 30.5 2.1 1.5 30.5 681.4 11.8
FB-4x7x1 7 4 12 8 5 12 210 28
2.13 1.21 30.5 2.4 1.5 30.5 795 12.7
FB-6x6x1 6 6 12 7 7 12 270 30
1.82 1.82 30.5 2.1 2.1 30.5 1,022 13.6
FB-8x8x1 8 8 12 9 9 12 479 43
2.43 2.43 30.5 2.7 2.7 30.5 1,813 19.6
FB-10x10x1 10 10 12 11 11 12 749 52
3.04 3.04 30.5 3.4 3.4 30.5 2,835 23.6
FB-12x12x1 12 12 12 13 13 12 1,078 61
3.65 3.65 30.5 4 4 30.5 4,080 27.7


Length Width Height Length Width Height
ft ft in ft ft in USG lbs
m m cm m m cm m3 kg
SCB-10x10x2 10 10 24 12 12 24 1,497 92
3.04 3.04 61 3.7 3.7 61 5.70 42
SCB-10x15x2 15 10 24 17 12 24 2,245 118
4.57 3.04 61 5.2 3.7 61 8.50 54
SCB-10x20x2 20 10 24 22 12 24 2,993 142
6.09 3.04 61 6.7 3.7 61 11.40 65
SCB-20x20x2 20 20 24 22 22 24 5,986 225
6.09 6.09 61 6.7 6.7 61 22.70 102
SCB-20x30x2 30 20 24 32 22 24 8,979 300
9.14 6.09 61 9.8 6.7 61 34.00 136
SCB-20x40x2 40 20 24 42 22 24 11,972 375
12.19 6.09 61 12.8 6.7 61 45.40 171
SCB-20x50x2 50 20 24 52 22 24 14,964 451
15.24 6.09 61 15.8 6.7 61 56.70 205
SCB-20x60x2 60 20 24 62 22 24 17,957 530
18.28 6.09 61 18.9 6.7 61 68.00 241
SCB-30x40x2 40 30 24 42 32 24 17,957 530
12.19 9.14 61 12.8 9.8 61 68.00 241
SCB-30x50x2 50 30 24 52 32 24 22,446 605
15.24 9.14 61 15.8 9.8 61 85.00 275
SCB-30x60x2 60 30 24 62 32 24 26,936 700
18.28 9.14 61 18.9 9.8 61 102.00 318
SCB-40x50x2 50 40 24 52 42 24 29,928 745
15.24 12.19 61 15.8 12.8 61 113.30 339
SCB-40x60x2 60 40 24 62 42 24 35,914 870
18.28 12.19 61 18.9 12.8 61 136.00 396
SCB-50x50x2 50 50 24 52 52 24 37,410 900
15.24 15.24 61 15.8 15.8 61 141.70 409
SCB-50x60x2 60 50 24 62 52 24 44,892 1055
18.28 15.24 61 18.9 15.8 61 170.00 480
SCB-60x60x2 60 60 24 62 62 24 53,871 1220
18.28 18.28 61 18.9 18.9 61 204.00 555


Length Width Height Length Width Height
ft ft in ft ft in USG lbs
m m cm m m cm m3 kg
SCB-10x10x3 10 10 36 13 13 36 2,245 120
3.04 3.04 91.5 4 4 91.5 8.50 55
SCB-10x15x3 15 10 36 18 13 36 3,367 155
4.57 3.04 91.5 5.5 4 91.5 12.80 71
SCB-10x20x3 20 10 36 23 13 36 4,490 185
6.09 3.04 91.5 7 4 91.5 17.00 84
SCB-20x20x3 20 20 36 23 23 36 8,979 280
6.09 6.09 91.5 7 7 61 35.00 127
SCB-20x30x3 30 20 36 33 23 36 13,468 370
9.14 6.09 91.5 10.1 7 91.5 51.00 168
SCB-20x40x3 40 20 36 43 23 36 17,957 460
12.19 6.09 91.5 13.1 7 91.5 68.00 209
SCB-20x50x3 50 20 36 53 23 36 22,446 550
15.24 6.09 91.5 16.2 7 91.5 85.00 250
SCB-20x60x3 60 20 36 63 23 36 26,936 640
18.28 6.09 91.5 19.2 7 91.5 102.00 291
SCB-30x40x3 40 30 36 43 33 36 26,936 640
12.19 9.14 91.5 13.1 10.1 91.5 102.00 291
SCB-30x50x3 50 30 36 53 33 36 33,669 720
15.24 9.14 91.5 16.2 10.1 91.5 127.50 327
SCB-30x60x3 60 30 36 63 33 36 40,403 830
18.28 9.14 91.5 19.2 10.1 91.5 153.00 377.3
SCB-40x50x3 50 40 36 53 43 36 44,892 870
15.24 12.19 91.5 16.2 13.1 91.5 170.00 396
SCB-40x60x3 60 40 36 63 43 36 53,871 1005
18.28 12.19 91.5 19.2 13.1 91.5 204.00 457
SCB-50x50x3 50 50 36 53 53 36 56,115 1040
15.24 15.24 91.5 16.2 16.2 91.5 212.50 473
SCB-50x60x3 60 50 36 63 53 36 67,338 1210
18.28 15.24 91.5 19.2 16.2 91.5 255.00 550
SCB-60x60x3 60 60 36 63 63 36 80,806 1380
18.28 18.28 91.5 19.2 19.2 91.5 305.90 627
Secondary Fluid containment
Berm 12

Decontamination Station

Capacity: 30 - 1,078 USG

Canflex Decontamination Cleaning Stations
Berm 24

Decontamination Station

Capacity: 1,497 - 53,871 USG

Secondary Fluid containment
Berm 36

Decontamination Station

Capacity: 2,245 - 80,806 USG


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